Donate / Volunteer

1. Volunteer:
In our institute, we welcome students and fresh graduates to volunteer with us.
There are so many ways people could volunteer,
Number of youth have been part of the NVSP programs, many university students come for trainings, or through the summer camp projects and many high school students too.
45 Volunteers are part in “Rahma Friends”.
40 Volunteers are part in “ NVSP Project”.
22 Volunteers are part in “ Rahma Summer Camp”.
More than 30 Volunteers are part in several program such “Scouting, Choir, Basketball Team, RSTP & RSSP programs”.
60 Trainees from Universities are supported from RSN Team.
2 . Donate:
Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.
- RSSP , Rahma Support & Sponsorship Program
- RSTP , Rahma Support & Talent Program
“If the money we donate helps one child or can ease the pain of one parent, those funds are well spent.
Al Rahma Medical Center, Zaytoun Abi Samra , Tripoli
Bank Al Baraka , Tripoli Branch
A/C No 0102-210623-002
IBAN LB38 0109 0000 0000 1022 1062 3002
Currency USD